5 jul 2010

LU Decompostion Method: Example

Chapter 4: Linear Algebraic Equations

Hey! in this new chapter, you will learn how to find the solution, not for one, but for several equations, called system of equations, there are some methods, an we will learn a little bit of each one. I hope that this information can be useful for your studies.

You can download this document from: http://www.slideshare.net/mafevm/chapter-4-linear-algebraic-equations

>>> I have found some videos on YouTube, from NumericalmethodsGuy (He is a proffesor of mechanical engineering in University of South Florida), is a very interesting channel, so if you wanna learn more, look at this videos:

1. LU decomposition method: http://www.youtube.com/user/numericalmethodsguy#g/c/025E2EC677B70051
2. Gaussian Elimination: http://www.youtube.com/user/numericalmethodsguy#g/c/F99FF87A29023BBF

6 may 2010

CHAPTER 1: Darcy's Law

This is a resume of Darcy's law, that is object of our study in numerical methods.

Chapter 1: Darcy's law

-"Flujo en medio poroso: Ley de Darcy". SANCHEZ, Javier. Universidad de Salamanca (España)

CHAPTER 1: Modeling

In this chapter you will read about a general concept of mathematical models, and an easy example of a model.
